Accepting Haikus & My Plate Photos

As described in Dietary Haiku and Haiku for You, I am always glad to receive an inspired MY PLATE HAIKU regarding food, eating, cooking, agriculture or nourishment. Moving beyond the formal haiku structure is totally fine and any inspired phrase or poetic expression is welcome. I include these in the closing when they are relevant to one of my posts with the writer’s first name. At times I may transform a MY PLATE HAIKU into an Instagram message.

Also, I am eager to receive MY PLATE PLATES. These are a re-visioning of the USDA MyPlate schematic model of the dietary guidelines. These can be pictures of just a beautiful plate, a plate of a beautiful meal or dish that you feel provides loving nourishment to you or to those you care for, or a more metaphorical expression of communal or personal nutrition.

Please make submissions in the comment section or email to

With appreciation, Elyn

My Plate Haikus

Enjoy reading/Lifeseeds Nutrition/Very much.  Amy

Eat food/Mainly plants/Not too much.  Michael (Pollan)

Are we what we eat/Or do we eat what we are/Are they the same thing?  Julie

The farmers’ market/Each egg at the dairy stand/A different color.  Enki

Spread peanut butter/On whole grain sweet dark bread/Raspberry jam-yum.  Barb

Food made joyfully/As a gift of time and self/Feeds body and soul.  Anne-Marie

Deep scarlet red beets/Reveal your sweetness to me/Slip out of your skins.  Elyn

Blueberry bushes/Three children with empty pails/Pluck, pluck, crunch, exhale. Michael

Craving for pickles/And German chocolate cake/My friend is pregnant. Gretchen

Smooth peanut butter/Spread on a peeled banana/Snack time perfection.  Gretchen

Hunger tiptoes in/From bellies, hearts or minds/Feed me now she calls.  Eva

In the dark places/I ask courage to believe/I am beautiful.  Anne-Marie

What’s with my tummy/Expanding and contracting/Like the moon above.  David

Grasses, grain, fruit, wine/Garden flowers produce joy/Kitchen flours bread.  Gordon

Food is medicine/Farmers are doctors, Cooks priests/Eat, pray, eat, pray, love.  Gordon

It is easier/To reprimand the sinner/Than change the system.  Julie

Adirondack lake/Soothes us from the heat–weightless/We float like feathers.  Elyn

Thanks to our farmer/Blueberries kissed by the sun/So much to enjoy!  Crystal

Lagoon watercress/Peppers my tongue/With spring joy.  Roxanne

I often wonder/What did they eat for breakfast?/Those who go and kill.  Elyn

Hearts are not/Just reserved for romance/Every living thing is in love.  Kat

Call any vegetable Pick up your phone/Think of a vegetable Lonely at home /Call any vegetable And the chances are good/ That a vegetable will respond to you.  Frank (Zappa)


I lick your nose, I lick your nose again/I drag my claws down your eyelids/Oh, you’re up? Feed me.  A Cat 
Did you really think/ That you could hide fish in rice?/Oh, the green paste burns! A Cat (from I Could Pee on This and other poems by cats collected by Francesco Marciulian


Peach baskets brimming/Raspberries ripe on the bush/Apples soon to come.  Anna

Pick your own today/Happy kids in wide-brimmed hats/Sweet summertime fruit.  Nan



4 thoughts on “Accepting Haikus & My Plate Photos

    • dear gina, it is a pleasure and honor to hear from you. yes, i have added your link to my article “no passing”. i will try to stay abreast of your work and mission to bring real, alive food to all people (which is my cause as well) and to highlight your amazing efforts where i can in my humble writings. food is medicine. in health, elyn zimmerman


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